Tag Archives: Wi-Fi

Transport and technology: driving the evolution of smart cities

Transport and technology have always been inextricably linked. From horses and carriages to horseless carriages, from the steam train to the bullet train, and from traffic lights to real-time traffic updates. They have combined to help move and connect people and places for centuries. Ultimately, public transport is all about commuters and ensuring their journeys […]

BAI welcomes the launch of the London Office of Technology and Innovation

In June, the London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI) officially launched, kick-starting a new era of digital transformation. LOTI – a collaboration between London boroughs with the Mayor of London’s backing – will help to cement London’s position as a smart city by encouraging digital and data innovation across its public services. It recognises […]

Breaking the stigma: Changing gender perceptions through a modernised railway industry

In the 1851 UK census, there were just three women listed as ‘railway labourers’ working in the industry. Whilst trains overall have gotten faster since then, the number of women working on or with them has travelled at a more pedestrian pace. An extensive survey of the UK by industry group Women In Rail found […]

Better connectivity: a crucial ingredient to improving commuter well being

Rail commuters spend an average of two hours and 11 minutes on the move each day. Travelling can be stressful; congestion, delays and cancellations all take their toll on commuter well being and mental health. New research from London City Airport, Building Better, the role of transport infrastructure and services in improving mental health, considers […]

Driving a digital agenda

London is the tech capital of Europe, and it offers a compelling mix of innovation, a thriving creative sector and a vibrant financial system. It is why when BAI Communications was looking to establish its European headquarters in 2016, London was our first choice. Our decision to set up BAI’s London office was vindicated when […]

London Tech Week: Realising the potential of technology

London Tech Week kicks off on June 10th, with the focus this year on how access to technology can have a positive impact on society and business. One of the areas which technology has the power to revolutionise is the delivery of public services, in everything from healthcare to transport. Connected transport systems can create […]

Connecting people – 40 years of the Hong Kong transit network

The Hong Kong MTR Corporation Ltd (MTR) is celebrating its 40th anniversary. First installed in 1979, the network was originally a simple 8km four-car configuration line running between Shek Kip Mei and Kwun Tong. Travellers in Hong Kong now make use of one of the finest transit systems in the world, and benefit from cellular […]

BAI Communications collaborates with Generating Genius to inspire the next generation of engineers

At BAI Communications, we regularly challenge ourselves to ensure we are inspiring the next generation of engineers. Last year marked the ‘Year of Engineering’ in the UK and brought a much-needed spotlight to the vast range of career opportunities available within our sector. It’s now 2019 and with the Government estimating that our industry needs […]

Be safe. Stay connected online underground

Internet access is increasingly a utility rather than a luxury, with around 90% of Canadians connected to wireless networks and nearly all Canadians under the age of 45 using the internet every day. People expect to be connected everywhere they go. This includes 4.2 million public transport commuters. With Toronto residents taking an average of […]

Neutral host: reaching the places other networks cannot?

In 2019, with the telecommunications world gearing up for 5G, the question I’m asked most often is not about the latest advances in technology, but something simpler: why can’t I get a signal? With so much of modern life dependent on our connection it is no surprise. You could be commuting by train and unable […]