Tag Archives: London

How safety culture is keeping pace with the digital rail revolution

On a recent visit to a rail construction site in London, I noticed a sign in the staff room. It was a picture of a happy work crew and above them in big bold letters it said, ‘Safety is a State of Mind’. Its goal was to emphasize how safety is now more than just […]

Will connected trains be safer trains?

Operating heavy trains travelling at high speeds, and transporting thousands of people every day, ensuring the safety of staff and passengers is the highest priority for rail operators across the UK. Increasingly, the application of innovative new digital technologies is helping to drive higher safety standards than ever before. And as we begin to see next-generation […]

Delivering consistent connectivity in UK rail corridors

Across the UK, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) have delivered an extensive network of high-quality mobile voice and data services, meeting coverage targets set by the government. These targets have typically prioritised the provision of indoor coverage, so densely populated areas where signal is needed most are well serviced. However, this has also meant that transport […]

Enabling quality communications across rail networks

Business models for rail are changing. Historically, the primary focus of both rail operators and authorities has been on driving effective operations. While still a primary concern, emphasis is increasingly shifting to the need to deliver a better quality of customer service. A major rung on the ladder to achieving this goal also featured as […]

BAI at the Australian British Infrastructure Catalyst 2018

The Australian British Infrastructure Catalyst (ABIC) is designed to facilitate and promote the exchange of ideas and experience in major infrastructure projects in Australia and the United Kingdom. Presented by the Australian British Chamber of Commerce, participants in the programme are limited to industry leaders from Australia and the UK including infrastructure experts, financiers, government […]

Reflections from the party conferences – digital at the front of the transport revolution

The past few weeks have seen politics and the media focus on party conference season, especially the Brexit debate. However, beneath the headline grabbing stories I find it a useful opportunity to test out what issues in the transport and digital sectors are most popular with politicians and our partners. This is especially important for […]

Shared networks and small cells to drive the UK digital economy

All around the world, connectivity is a key driver of economic growth. Connectivity creates new revenue opportunities, increases operational efficiency and fuels innovation. Across the public and private sector, universal superfast connectivity will be central to the UK competing globally in the future. However, to date there’s not been a consensus on how best to […]

The power of innovation and collaboration: boosting accessibility and inclusion on the rail network

Innovation in the transport sector provides endless opportunities to improve the passenger experience, boost productivity and even stimulate economic growth. It also has the potential to transform lives – particularly for the 14m people in the UK with disabilities, by helping them access transport services. Whilst a simple part of life that many of us […]

Experiencing the world with BAI Communications

It’s an exciting time for BAI Communications as we explore new markets. The places in which we operate continues to expand, creating opportunities for our employees. One of our strongest assets is our global network of experts who bring unique and important knowledge to our business. As a global company that appreciates diversity, we know […]

Building skills for modern railways

One constant in the history of rail has been the necessity for the industry to build its skills in line with technological evolution. From steam to diesel to electric, innovation demands organisations upskill in step with the latest advancements in order to remain competitive. Today, digital transformation is presenting the sector with a new set […]